Little Runner Gal

Running, eating, sleeping and all the bits in between

The Compression Question

on November 24, 2013

With all the hill running I’ve been up to recently I’ve been starting to get really painful calves, both whilst running and they’re taking aaaaaages to recover afterwards.

So, along with the tremendously boring compression socks I got for the marathon I’ve “treated” myself to a pair of SKINS compression calf sleeves. I say treated myself as they were pretty pricey for 2 bits of stretchy not-even-a-sock bits of tubing, but the reviews are good and someone at running club said they were working, so I thought I may as well fork out for something that’s going to do the job. And so far so good. I’ve worn them out for a hilly club run on the day that my calves were feeling horrendous, and they seemed to keep them together. No serious pain afterwards (like the day before) and my run the following day wasn’t painful. It was just a short flat one without the compression skins. skins Along with this I’ve also gone for an amazingly colourful pair of compression socks from Not only will they look awesome, they match my Alzheimer’s Society kit for the London Marathon in April, so they’re an official part of my marathon outfit. They’ve got a great range of certified jazzy compressions socks. socks So, will it all work to stop the calf pain and aid the hill runs? I’ll keep you updated.

And if anyone has any other ideas, views or suggestions on this issue then please please let me know.




6 responses to “The Compression Question

  1. runjackson says:

    Wow. Keep up the great work. Awesome question!Would love to know the answer. Tweet a pic of the socks in action. Hope the training is going well?

    • The socks are on their way so there’ll be a review of those once they arrive. Calf SKINS are on for a hilly X Country today so I hope they do the trick! Training is good thanks, hope yours is too?

  2. Emmy says:

    I’m a member of rmr and also am running for alzheimers in march. Hadnt thought that those socks matched the kit but its true! I was planning on getting the calf sleeves that are arriving soon….

    • As soon as I saw them I thought they’ll look awesome with the vest! Their calf sleeves do look amazing too. Let me know if you get them. How’s the training and fund raising going?

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